Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Age Of The Dark Chat (Bonus)

<object width="350" height="450" id="obj_1294274441328"><param name="movie" value=" name="AllowScriptAccess" VALUE="always"/><param name="AllowNetworking" VALUE="all"/><param name="AllowFullScreen" VALUE="true"/><param name="flashvars" value="cid=1294274441328&a=000000&b=100&c=33FF00&d=33FF00&e=000000&g=33FF00&h=000000&i=20&j=00FF00&k=FFFFFF&l=FFFFFF&m=FFFFFF&n=33FF00&o=0&s=1"/><embed id="emb_1294274441328" src="" width="350" height="450" allowScriptAccess="always" allowNetworking="all" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" flashvars="cid=1294274441328&a=000000&b=100&c=33FF00&d=33FF00&e=000000&g=33FF00&h=000000&i=20&j=00FF00&k=FFFFFF&l=FFFFFF&m=FFFFFF&n=33FF00&o=0&s=1"></embed></object><br>[ <a href="">Copy this</a> | <a href="">Start New</a> | <a href=" Size</a> ]

if this doesn't work, ignore it.First time trying.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

VVVVVV music for Blockland

Note: Theese only work for music players, don't use them on a server.
VVVVVV music for blockland.Nothing else to say

                     download folder below


Mini Nuke: Failbinned

A mini nuke is basically a minature nuke, if you want a weapon 50x stronger of this, please look at the Ion Cannon: Failbinned.The mininuke doesn't take time to fire and reload like the Ion Cannon does.It fires, and destroys.

                                        download below


Ion Cannon: Failbinned

The Ion Cannon is the best weapon.You know the save in slate named "pyramid"?It could destroy it with one shot.Warning, laggy with a tons of bricks as a target.Also comes with Admin Only Ion Cannon, Good for RPGs.
We do not have the Death Ion Cannon yet as I really want to give it to this.Please email me it.My email is .

                                           download with admin only version below


Funky Shirt/Rainbow Player: Failbinned

This is a simple mod. No console activation.Just set a bind and use that key to use it.It will rainbowifize your char.
I'm sorry, but it doesn't fade anymore, and for some reason the body isn't changing, best fix for the body, Wear the armor accessory.

                                                        download below



Jack Wiki Bot: Private

Jack is a wiki bot.More complicated than whois.His name is JACK in the console.To set a definition, say "Jack, set 'subject'.You can edit it, but you can't remove: Jack, set, or 'subject'.To see a definition, say Jack, what/who is a 'subject'?.Same, but you can't remove Jack, or 'subject'.Jack, please 'end this post'.
Jack: Bye, hope you like me. [Writer: PaperCinnamon]

                                                      download below


Whois Mod: Private

This mod's name is whois in the console.You use it by saying "whois (name/BL_ID)". Example, whois PaperCinnamon will get you "[18715]PaperCinnamon[when you last saw me]". Note it only works on people you have seen with the mod on.This should work perfectly with no problem.

                                                     Download Below